Monday, January 31, 2011

Episode Review: The Cape Episode 5: Dice

The new superhero tv series The Cape, has only been on the air for four weeks, and even though the series is not doing so well ratings wise, as a true-blue fan of superheroes, I'd say it's doing alright. We a get a new villain every episode, so at least viewers get to see a ever expanding rouges gallery, with continued appearances by main super-villain Chess aka ARK Corporation head Peter Fleming. Tonight's episode introduces Dice, a savant whose father was the first murder ever committed by Chess. The dictionary defines a savant as a person who is specialized in a certain field. Well this savant has a talent any would kill for, to see into the future. Alright so this girl, now a grown woman years later, wants to kill Fleming for killing her father, but of course Vince wants to put Fleming away so he has to do something that really sticks it to himself, he must protect Fleming in order to take him down at a later time. And of course, what new episode of The Cape would not be complete without an appearance by Max Malini and the Carnival of Crime to aid Faraday in his superhero exploits. Even though I am not a professional tv numbers man, I can say as a fan of comic books and superheroes that I give this episode five out of five stars. For those who missed tonight's episode, go to to watch the first four episodes and check back tomorrow night to view tonight's episode. The Cape airs every Monday night at 8pm Central Time on NBC, and now I leave you faithful readers with this post, and I'll be back tomorrow with more to satisfy all the commitments of my mission. Thank you all and goodnight.


  1. I'm with you on this one Joshua - the series is finally getting its legs!

    Another nice piece even explains why the origin seemed a bit choppy - the "missing scenes" of the Cape's origin, how he was found, etc. - are in this episode at the end.

    I love shows that declare a hero has a destiny, but CAN change 'fate'!

    This had it all!


  2. Thanks Mr. Justice, although I'm still lost on the whole exploding dice thing. Is there an explosive that be fit into something as small as a pair of gambling dice?
