Now that tablet on the far left is the unconfirmed Tablet of Life. The text on the tablet is a chemical formula, the "Lifeline Formula" which augments its user into the ultimate perfect being of their species. It and its counterpart, the Tablet of Death and Entrophy, have played a prominet role in the Spider-Man comics for years.
Now after the tablet, we have the unconfirmed Orb of Agamotto, which is one of the many mystic artifacts used by Marvel's resident master of magics, Dr. Strange. Also we have shown here is the Warlock's Eye , which was an artifact stolen from Thor and the Warriors Three in the original run of the comics.
After the Eye is the Eternal Flame, or the Eternal Flame of Destruction, which was stolen by Thor and his brothers from Surtur, one of the most powerful enemies of Asgard, to prevent him from lighting his sword and starting a war that would bring about the destruction of the Asgardian people. The best way of describing Surtur is to picture a Frost Giant, only on fire. Yeah, bad news all around people.
And finally, following the Flame is the Infinity Gauntlet, one of the more prominent items in the Marvel Universe. It is THE weapon of Thanos, one of the biggest baddies in the Marvel Universe. He is the sworn servant of Death, and also loves her, willing to do anything for her. The Gauntlet, basically gives the wearer god-like power and control over the universe when all six of the Infinity gems are placed in it.
Now seeing all these items in the vault means there could be way more in store for the Marvel Movieverse ladies and gentlemen, what the future is, who can say?
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