Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century

Most of you probably haven't heard of Buck Rogers, and its understandable. But if you ask your parents or grandparents, they can probably tell you who is he. He is one of the most famous science fiction characters of the early 20th century, alongside Flash Gordon. Created by Philip Francis Nowlan, the character of Anthony "Buck" Rogers first appeared in the August 1928 issue of the science fiction magazine, Amazing Stories. The story tells of Buck Rogers, a veteran of the Great War (WWI) who is put into suspended animation by a bombardment of radioactive gases. He awakens after being asleep for 492 years. Rogers quickly adapts to his surroundings, and joins up with one of the many gangs, and meets Wilma Deering, who enlists Rogers help in a revolt against the Han's, who have ruled America for the past 15 years from several large cities spread out across the continent. Rogers appeared in a sequel story Airlords of Han, in which he and the gangs all unite against the Airlords. The popularity of the character lead to a long running comic strip, movies, radio show, action figures etc. For all who follow this blog and would like to read the original stories that gave this character life, go to and order your copy of the book today! And be sure to look for the collected volumes of the original comic strip, and if you crave more, comic book company Dynamite Entertainment has been publishing a Buck Rogers comic book for the past two years. I can personally say that the Dynamite comic book is top notch stuff, something no science fiction fan would want to miss out on. So get out there and read more about the man of the past who is now a hero of tomorrow!

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