Alright so this post will be about the man who gave us the Dark Knight, Bob Kane. Bob was another one of those guys who was probably only in his late teens or early 20's when the superhero comic books burst onto the scene. Suddenly, guys who didn't think they had any future career in sight were suddenly being paid big money to do what they did best, use their imaginations. Drawing from pulp heroes like the Shadow, and movies including Douglas Fairbanks The Mark of Zorro, Bob created a man with no powers, yet hunted down criminals using his crime-fighting and detective skills. He created the Bat-Man (later changed to Batman). First appearing in Detective Comics #27 in May 1939, the character became a hit, soon dominating the cover of the magazine and soon began appearing in a comic that featured all Batman stories. The first issue of Batman #1 introduced the lovely thief Catwoman and one of the most despicable and feared villains in comics, the Joker. Bob continued to work in comics until his death in 1998.