To kick off the new month and continue my posts on comic book artists/writers, I thought I'd start with a man who gave so much to the industry, the great Will Eisner. This guy has to be by far one of the few men in the industry that has been a part of it since the beginning. Like WWII and WWI veterans, the men still around that have been a part of comic books since the 1940's are few and rare. Eisner not only pioneered several new styles of art and storytelling for comics, he also created one of the best beloved heroes, The Spirit. Bottom line for his origin is Denny Colt was a private investigator on the trail of a criminal by the name of Dr. Cobra. He finds Cobra, who plans to release a toxin into Central City's water supply that will put them to sleep for three days so he can rob them blind. The vat breaks open onto Denny, who is found and presumed dead. Three days later he wakes up, and sees the advantage to this being dead business. He adopts a new identity... The Spirit, once again fighting crime. The only person who knows who he truly is behind the mask is Police Commissioner Dolan. And so that's that folks. Will Eisner continued to work in the business, writing and drawing everything himself despite having slight arthritis in his hands. Will died of complications from a quadruple bypass surgery in December of 2004. This year will mark the 5 year anniversary of his passing. Rest in peace Mr. Eisner and thanks for all you gave to us.