Monday, November 3, 2014

Gotham Episode 7 Review

If anything can be said of tonight's episode of Gotham, it is that it just changed the game of the show's dynamic in a big way. Not only did viewers get intense moments of Penguin stepping up in the world of the show, but there is plot gap filled in, that I wasn't even aware existed.

The acting in tonight's episode was amazing, from everyone. Plus there was an added bonus, the introduction of another member of Batman's Rouges Gallery. Victor Zsasz, played by Anthony Carrigan. Casting him in the light as a hit-man for the Falcone Crime Family, he still has the character trait of carving tallies into his flesh with each kill.

What blew me away, was the back-story to Penguin and the events surrounding his becoming a member of the Maroni Crime Family. No spoilers being given away, but for all who missed out on tonight, everything that happens in tonight's episode will blow up the universe of the show in a big way.

All in all, tonight's episode stepped up the pace and game of the show in ways no one could have seen coming. This speaks to the bright future ahead for the show, and what lies in store as the first season continues. 

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