Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Different sort of post

This post, well this post is different from the usual slew of postings I have done in the past. I felt that using this writing I did some time ago in the summer, was fitting because of how bad society is today. So I present for your consideration, The Random Rant.

I realise now, how much people can change in such a short time. I never should have made any of those "music videos" because it gives people another oppertunity to make fun of me. Nothing has changed in four years. I haven't changed, though God knows I've tried. I still use humor and acting out to gain people's "friendship" and it sickens me to see how far I've sunk.
I am literally disgusted with myself. I try to be a non-conformist, in order to forge my own identity, in  aworld where "fitting in" is the accepted order of things. So many powers have fallen because of this mindset of conformity, (bear in mind I using this to refer to conformity in general, not just cultural conformity) the British Empire, Imperalist France, Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and the biggest one to fall, the Holy Roman Empire. A vast empire, toppled because it imposed upon its subjects the idea of being under one rule, one culture, one flag and standard.
Even America, a nation that was once a melting pot, where everyone who came into this country gave something back culturally, no matter how small and people fit in with their new homeland, not because they had to, but because they wanted to. These days, the melting pot is more of a tossed salad, with immigrints not adapting, but trying to hold fast to their old culture and ways. This nation, that I call my home, has established that the order of things is for everyone to fit in and become something they are not.
I choose to reject this mindset, because I believe in the spirit of individuality, of taking the elements that God has given me and fusing them into the person I am, and will continue to become. I reject fitting in, not because I am a anarchist, trying to upset the social order, but because I have no desire to be a part of a culture that is centred around looks, and power and always having more.
What people call the American Dream, I call the American Nightmare. And I pray to God and our Lord that this land will wake up, and try to strive towards the Dream. It's there, all we need to do is wake up, pull the scales off our eyes and see. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Stop PIPA and SOPA from passing!

These bills can not be allowed to pass!! If Congress does this, just to satisfy the whining and complaining from their financial backers in Washington, there will be hell raised all across America. PIPA and SOPA violate everyone's right to give information freely across the Internet, which is a literal example of free speech. And if Congress is willing to put money before the Constitution and the people, then we have placed in power the biggest bunch of hypocrites ever in the history of America. I am joining the 24 hour Internet blackout, so that my voice, however small, may be heard among the throng of others, who are going to, in their own way, protest these restrictive and oppressive bills. I urge all who read this to do so, and join the fight so that the Internet, and the right to freely exchange information may be preserved, not just for us, but for all generations of Americans.